Interdisciplinary…Project-Based Learning…Experiential Education…Real-World Application…What do all of these have in common? 

Educator Answer: These instructional methods provide engaging and meaningful learning opportunities for students! My students are most excited and energized when I am able to provide this type of instruction.

Student Answer: These are fun ways to learn! I love when I get to experience real and meaningful learning and make a difference in my world!

Our Answer: These are the foundational pedagogy and intention behind the Explore.Act.Tell. program. The Foundation for Impact on Literacy and Learning and the Acme and Shaw’s and Star Markets Foundations’ Nourishing Neighbors program are proud to partner together to offer this opportunity to your students.

The best part? Explore.Act.Tell. can be integrated into almost any class and content area, or used in Advisory or club time. 

Here are just a few ideas:

Language Arts: Communication skills, literacy skills, writing skills, persuasion

Social Studies: Community engagement, citizenship, government and non-profit organizations

Math: Budgets and fundraising for action plan, scaling efforts beyond local community, statistics

Science: Impact of hunger and food scarcity on body/mind, diseases and illness related to hunger and food scarcity, biology units of study

Health: Healthy diet, food sourcing, Physical-Social-Emotional connections/themes

Art: Digital art for the PSA, marketing campaign with logos, slogans, images for posters, social media, etc.

Theater: Storyboard and script for the PSA

Music: Jingle, rap  or theme song for the PSA, lip-sync or variety show for fundraising

Food Science: Food sourcing, food waste, food scarcity, food storage, healthy food

Computer: Project-based learning to integrate computer skills

ELL: Learn language and culture related, build relationships and interact in English with partners and organizations, communication skills to invite others to participate, connecting with local community

And, whether your students are in-person or virtual, you may customize the pace of the project to fit your schedule. Be innovative and creative as you share Explore.Act.Tell. with your students this school year!