The Blog

Explore Hunger

Explore Hunger

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) defines “food insecurity” as a lack of consistent access to enough food for an active, healthy life. It is important to know that though hunger and food insecurity are closely related, they actually are not the same....

Q & A Zoom Calls

Q & A Zoom Calls

When you are ready, we are here to get you started with a Zoom Q&A or a discussion with one of our Outreach Consultants. We can share ways to do the lessons and project in person, virtually or with a hybrid approach. Flexibility is the name of the game! October...

Welcome Back to School

Welcome Back to School

Welcome to the 2021-22 year. We are all in this together. As we begin a new year, in person, we are excited to be a part of your year! Everything you need for Explore.Act.Tell. is available on our Resources page.We appreciate YOU! As an educator using...

Take the First Step

Take the First Step

The Explore.Act.Tell. team is ready to assist you as you start the lessons and enter the competition. Reach out to us at One of our Outreach Consultants will work with you to answer questions, show you the website, provide resources...

Why Explore.Act.Tell.?

Why Explore.Act.Tell.?

We closed the 2020-21 year with our first winning team, led by Mr. Harris Daniels. This group of 9th grade students met the Challenge, identified ways to reduce hunger through a local farm donation program, and were awarded $5000 for their hunger charity....